Are you looking into buying a new home?
Look no further than Malstrom Electric for your electrical home-buying checklist! We have a great checklist to go through when buying a new home to ensure the electrical system is safe and up to code. This way, you won’t run into future issues that could’ve been avoided to begin with.
Table of Contents:
What is the Wiring Method?
There are a few sub points to this question that you want to go over with the homeowner.
What is the Size of the Electrical Panel?
It’s important to know what kind of electrical panel you have as well as the size. Your panel controls the electrical system in your house. Therefore, you want to know what it controls and how much it can control.
What Is The Quantity And Purpose Of The Interior And Exterior Outlets?
A very wide subject that you’ll want to clarify with the current homeowners is going to be surrounding interior and exterior outlets.
Have Previous Electrical Issues Been Addressed?
In order to assess how well the electrical system functions, you will need to know if there have been any previous electrical issues and if they have been addressed. If they have been addressed, was there a remodel or renovation to accommodate it? It’s easier for utility workers to make repairs or address problems in the future if they know if there has been any updates or additions to the house in the past.
Did You Obtain Permits Before Renovating The House?
Lastly, you will want to clarify if the house is up to code. If any electrical modifications or upgrades have been done, they should have been permitted and inspected. Therefore, the seller of the house should be able to provide documentation of any recent electrical inspections or upgrades. The documentation helps you, not just for safety reasons, but for insurance purposes as well.
Purchasing a home can be scary, but you shouldn’t have to worry about your safety. Before purchasing a home, it is wise to have an electrical inspection completed to assess the electrical system and address any concerns. An inspection helps ensure that you won’t have electrical issues in the future or make a poor investment.
Call Malstrom Electric today to help with your residential electrical needs!
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